Meet Sheragime Keshavarzian: Co-Founder of Atem Group Is Disrupting the Logistics Industry With IDX TV & Digital Media

Sheragime's work now brings much more than revenue, it brings an abundance of joy, and endless opportunities to meet interesting successful people.

NEW YORK CITY, NY, UNITED STATES, May 3, 2023/ -- Sheragime Keshavarzian Co-founded Atem Group with Rudee Bertie and launched subsidiary pillar brands like IDX TV and IDX digital that connects the dots with bespoke and high-level consultancy, digital transformation and marketing services. Sheragmine launches his new company with his boss and dear friend after working at CCL for a few years during the pandemic. IDX connects influential people and digital projects within the supply and e-Commerce through events and digital space.

Liana Zavo: Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more.

Sheragime Keshavarzian: If we go back to the very beginning, I initially studied business management which led me to work in the music industry. First, here in London and later in Australia as an A&R and promotions consultant for distribution companies and subsequently for music companies. In these roles, I oversaw numerous marketing campaigns, distribution and sales of home grown and artists to Radio, clubs and TV.  I have always been fond of music, fascinated with vinyl, cassette tapes and more recently technologies which has made music accessible to all, such as Spotify. My love for music started when I was a child, growing up in the cosmopolitan city of Tehran, as it was back in the 70s. My father and I would listen to Leonard Cohen, Pink Floyd and Nick Drake; we’d discuss the story line and admire the art on record covers or inserts. I went from being a bedroom DJ to starting my own small radio station and then playing alongside some of the very best DJs and busiest clubs across Melbourne and London.

"My father and I would listen to Leonard Cohen, Pink Floyd and Nick Drake; we’d discuss the story line and admire the art on record covers or inserts.”-Sheragime K.

LZ: Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company?

SK: Interesting question… I would say the journey of creating IDX TV had been the most interesting. From getting the idea to creating the brand identity and kickstarting the platform. You can spend months if not years preparing business plans, researching, and devising strategies to make your business successful but for me, the most interesting part of the process has been my ‘journey of networking’ and having conversations with potential collaborators and clients about what IDX could offer them. Through these conversations, the business has been adapting and evolving to best suit user needs.

LZ: None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

SK: This is such a great question and an important element in many successful journeys. I have had a lot of luck in the past, by creating the conditions for being lucky. There have been several times when I have literally worked for nothing, just to get in front of the right people – the movers and shakers – and hope that this would lead to an opportunity! For me, one of the most important influences, supporter and mentor, has been my business partner and good friend, Rudee Bertie. We’ve known each other since we were very young; I think we were in our early 20s when we first met. We have always stayed in touch, throughout our lives, even while I was in Australia for seven years. Thanks to Rudee and our mutual love of football (that would be Arsenal) and music, slowly, slowly, I settled back in London, and our friendship took off from where we had left it.

LZ: Ok super. Here is the main question of our interview. What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why?

SK: Embrace the numbers, book Keeping and accounting are a vital element to your success. The business is not you or your idea. It is the people around you that bring it to life. Get involved and drop any notions of a hierarchy – it is so old school and out dated. The people. You will not connect with everyone and don’t take rejections personally. Self care. Be prepared to burn out, but self-care of mind and body are key to continued success and resilience. Have some fun too and find some quiet me time. Your toughest competitor is YOU. Change and adapt as needed.

LZ: How have you used your success to make the world a better place?

SK: In my current company we tend to employ people who are fresh out of University to give them their first experiences of work, we also have supported some apprenticeship schemes to give people who don’t have chances in life to get out there and explore what a career media / logistics could look like. We are passionate about this and encourage other companies to do so.

LZ: You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good for the greatest number of people, what would that be?

Sk: To influence change on a global level, I would suggest removing the concept of class or hierarchy from society and reset people’s sense of being. I would argue the class system is redundant, causes many issues including hate, greed and wealth imbalance. For me, life is a spiritual journey and money isn’t essential.

LZ: Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why?

SK: I would love to have breakfast with Richard Branson. His first steps in business were in music, which is my passion, and he always had a deep belief in the people around him. Always hopeful and nothing stops him.

Sheragime partners with ZavoMedia PR Group, a global PR agency headquartered in NYC that firmly supports his vision of unifying people and creating a powerful community. A networking platform for the logistics industry that helps connect professionals and experts in the new digital era.

Liana Zavo

ZavoMedia PR Group

+1 212-814-7176